Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Goy Goy Goy"

Addy has started a noise that she makes with her pap pap.  When you put it in her mouth (and she is in a good mood) she says goy goy goy.. I need to get it on video because it is the cutest thing ever!!

We have had a lot going on the past litte bit.  I will update about Thanksgiving, Our trip to Georgia, Our six month check up, and our first ear ache :(.

Lets start with our first ear ache... It was awful!!! Addy had been pulling at her ear for a while but had no other symptons other than an awful cough (fever nor crying).  But because she had been pulling it for so long we decided to take her in and because of her cough. And of course her left ear was awful! The doctor got so much yucky stuff out of her ear I had to ask if I had cotton a q-tip stuck in there.  And let me tell you, she was not happy at all with the doctor.  She screemed so loud I was almost in tears and had to ask the doctor to wati just a second because I couldn't hear her over the screaming! She was pitiful!  I dropped her blanket while we were leaving the doctors office and didn't realize it until we got to the truck.  So I went back in to get the blanket and she started screaming again... Poor baby didn't want to go back in there.

My big girl drinking from a cup!

At Rocket City Diner with moma and Aunt Laken.  This was my first time in a big girl high chair too!

Trying to crawl

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