Monday, August 20, 2012

14 Months and Random facts

14 very short months have come and gone. My baby I had just a few months ago has become a full fledged toddler. And I love every minute. I am amazed everyday at the things she learns daily.

She knows where her eyes and feet are. She knows a dog says woof woof and a bird says tweet tweet. She knows the difference between hey and bye. But my favorite thing about this is she won't wave until after we leave or someone looks away. And then she waves all day long.

Addy's favorite foods include: spaghetti, yogurt, slice cheese, Mac n cheese, crackers, Cheetos, pancakes (without syrup), and anything sweet. She has learned nana and papa keep her push ups in the bottom freezer outside, and she will go stand at the back door until you take her out to go get a push up.

Words: dadadadada (still all the time). Side (outside), ma ma, juice, uh-oh,, tree, sshhh, eyes, thank you, hey, bye, choo choo, ball (when she has a ball she counts one, two, three and be prepared because on three she is throwing it).

Although I think I have the sweetest girl on the planet, she can go from zero to fit throwing in half a second. If she doesn't get her way or what she wants be prepared for a fit. (but it is a cute fit.) ha ha.

Addy started daycare full time on July 30th and has been doing great. She moved up to the 1 year room the next week. They are on a much more strict schedule and addy seems to have adapted most of the time pretty well. In the mornings at 8 they now walk to breakfast in the cafeteria to eat. After breakfast sometimes they go outside and other times they come back to their room for activities. At 10:30 they go back to the cafeteria for lunch. After lunch they come back to the room for nap. (addy knows which nap mat is. Hers and she goes straight to it, lays down, passes out, and is the last one awake almost everyday). Finally snacks at 2 and I pick her up around 5:10. She quickly runs to me and starts saying bye to the teacher. I love that little grin after a long day at work.