Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Boc Boc's

Nana and Papa  have been looking for new adventures lately... Well they discovered some chickens on their land not too long ago.  They decided to take these chickens in and start collecting eggs.  (these are some expensive eggs)  But these chickens have all been worth their fun!!! They started with 5 black chickens.  Papaw Eddie added a white rooster (Gomez) and unfortunately the coyotes decided to take half the pack out... So they are only left with the "stupid" rooster and 2 of the black chickens!  

The reason I bring these chickens into the blog is because Addy has become obsessed with them!!! Every time we go to Nana's we HAVE to feed the "Boc Boc's."  She knows where the food is and will go get it and head out to their house.

This story wouldn't be complete without some additional information on Gomez... When I say he is a stupid rooster i mean it!!  He is more like a watch dog I guess you could say!  He "Cock a doodle do's" at all times during the day when someone is outside, when someone drives up, or just because he feels like it.  He has got to be the most annoying rooster on the planet.  Not only does he jabber throughout the day, but he can be kindly aggressive.  I do feel sorry for him at times because the poor thing has been beat in the head with a metal spoon multiple times... On the other hand... he has attacked Laken, Mom, and Brennan on multiple occasions... so in their defense I would have probably hit him with the metal spoon too!  And poor Natalie got roped into feeding and collecting eggs once.  She will never be the same!!! :)

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