Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Boc Boc's

Nana and Papa  have been looking for new adventures lately... Well they discovered some chickens on their land not too long ago.  They decided to take these chickens in and start collecting eggs.  (these are some expensive eggs)  But these chickens have all been worth their fun!!! They started with 5 black chickens.  Papaw Eddie added a white rooster (Gomez) and unfortunately the coyotes decided to take half the pack out... So they are only left with the "stupid" rooster and 2 of the black chickens!  

The reason I bring these chickens into the blog is because Addy has become obsessed with them!!! Every time we go to Nana's we HAVE to feed the "Boc Boc's."  She knows where the food is and will go get it and head out to their house.

This story wouldn't be complete without some additional information on Gomez... When I say he is a stupid rooster i mean it!!  He is more like a watch dog I guess you could say!  He "Cock a doodle do's" at all times during the day when someone is outside, when someone drives up, or just because he feels like it.  He has got to be the most annoying rooster on the planet.  Not only does he jabber throughout the day, but he can be kindly aggressive.  I do feel sorry for him at times because the poor thing has been beat in the head with a metal spoon multiple times... On the other hand... he has attacked Laken, Mom, and Brennan on multiple occasions... so in their defense I would have probably hit him with the metal spoon too!  And poor Natalie got roped into feeding and collecting eggs once.  She will never be the same!!! :)

Easter Fun Part 2

The last post wouldn't cooperate... I have additional pictures from the Easter Egg Hunt at Shelton I wanted to share!  These will forever be some of my favorite pictures of all times!
This one is my absolute favorite!!! Love these two babies!

Hunter found the cats and was headed to catch one.  

And last but not least.... We had another visitor that came with a BIG surprise!!!  Aunt Kim and Uncle Chris came from GA to see us and tell us their BIG news!!!!  We are beyond thrilled to say we will have another little one running around before the end of the year!!! YAY!!!!  We are so super excited for these two they will make the best parents!!!  We can't wait to meet this little bundle of JOY! :)

Aunt Kim and Baby Hanna

Easter Fun

This is Easter was a ton of fun!!!  Addy loved finding the Easter eggs and we got some good quality time with our amazing families!

The Easter Bunny Came to our house and brought lots of need goodies!!!  (And a Daisy)

Addy and I dyed Easter Eggs at Memaws house.  This kept her attention for a whole  5 minutes... Which is actually longer than I expected.

After Church Sunday we went to Aunt Elaine's for our annual lunch and Easter Egg hunt! 
Pops and Grammy Came! YAY!!!

This is most of the Nelson Clan!  Love this Family

Characters for a Cure

Back in March Josh, Laken, and I took Addy to Characters for a Cure.  Addy LOVES Mickey Mouse Club House and especially Minnie Mouse (or so I thought).  I just knew she would be intrigued by Minnie... I didn't have hopes of her taking pictures with them (due to our horror of Santa Clause), but I did think she would enjoy seeing Minnie.... To my surprise it was Daisy that stole her attention.  The second Daisy and Donald walked in it was "Momma Daisy.. Look Momma Daisy... Daisy Momma... Daisy, Daisy, Daisy!!!"

Look at that perfect grin!
She didn't want to get much closer than this... But she smiled the whole time!

To my surprise she would give any of the other Princesses a big hug!!  She was  a little timid with them at first but by the end she was a PRO!  As much fun as this year was I can't wait for next year when she really understands!  

We weren't as keen on the Prince... :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Little Details

Wow 2013 has come in fast and is going by even faster. With the start of each new year brings the dreaded tax season. Addy has been the best little trooper and not given me a moments trouble with my longer hours.

There are thousands of little things my little girl does on a daily basis that I never want to forget....

* At 19 months old my smart little girl can spell her name. Although she leaves out a "D" and says "A D Y"                 * She can also count to 10.
* She gives high fives and knuckles (cutest thing ever)
* She is at the point where she can repeat anything I say.  (And will scream "Scott Jorns")
* She knows many animal sounds: cows,chickens, sheep, dogs, cats, lion (which is my favorite),frog, pig,    duck, horse
* She fights sleep horribly
* Ask her to tell you a story and she will say "jflksdj fjeosdlkfj kdsjfklasjdf" and then put her hand over her mouth throw her head back and belly laugh.
* Ask "Addy are you a Diva?" her response "yea Diva" (in the most serious and sophisticated voice).  This is in thanks to her teachers at school... Ms. Lorri, Ms. Brenna, and Ms. Ta ta
* Loves to pretend to color her feet and hands in order to press them down and make prints
* LOVES Daisey
* Loves to sing... and Will sing Jesus Loves me and Happy Birthday
* Loves to Dance, watch Disney (Princess Sofia and Mickey Mouse Club House), and give hugs and kisses.
* Ask her "whats do you tell Chaser?" Her response is "Hush!!!!"
* Still Loves her Bows
* When we go outside and its cold.. She has to have a jacket on.. and her hands go in the pockets immediately.
* Still the pickiest little eater!!!