Her name is Aralei Marie Nelson. She was born on Sunday April 14, 2013 at 6:31 p.m. She's 11 inches long and 1lb and 10ozs of pure spunk and perfection! This little girl belongs to my amazing little brother and his wonderful fiance Ariale.
This sweet little girl is very very special! She fought harder than any person I have ever met! And she changed my life in her short 3 days of life on earth. She met Jesus and was scooped into his arms on Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 11:56 p.m. Knowing she is much better off than her family she left on earth and that we have an AMAZING guardian angel watching over us, is the only thing that makes this loss bearable.
Not only did she change my life in her short 3 days, but I have to say how amazing my little brother was in those days. I was so excited to watch my little brother become the Dad I know he will be one day to another little angel here on Earth. My little brother has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met and all I can do is pray that God will heal his broken heart.
To my brother and future sister... I love you guys!! You guys did an amazing job taking care of that sweet baby girl! My heart breaks for you guys.
To my sweet niece Aralei... God had big plans for you! I wish I knew what they were and could understand, but until the day we meet again pretty girl, please watch over us and guide us in the direction God intends for us to travel. We miss you sweet girl and will always love you. Please watch over your Mom and Dad and Grandparents and help them heal their broken hearts. You are the most beautiful Angel ever and I am privileged to be able to call you my niece. Thanks for that honor sweet girl. I will Love you always and forever!