I love the way you sleep with your hand by your head.
I love the way you fake cry when you want your pap pap
I love listening to you smack whether its with your pap pap, while your eating, or on your thumb (which I try to discourage)
I love how much you love bath time.
I love how when you get hungry you expect food immediately with NO warning.
I love how much Chaser loves you and the fact that when he barks you don't even flinch.
I love how cute you are in all your little outfits.
I love how you already twirl your hair.
I love watching you play with your tongue and watching you blow bubbles.
I love watching you sleep because you make the best faces.
I love that your favorite place to sleep is on my chest!
I love the fact that you are such a trooper... and you can go with me anywhere because you are such a good baby..
I love your hair (even though it sticks straight up at times.)
I love that you don't mind your bows... (Please keep it that way.)
I love how when you do tummy time you are already scooting around.
I love how when you are sleepy you want my hand over your face.
I love how you hold on to my shirt when you are going to sleep.
I love when you grab my finger.
I love your long fingers and toes. (that's one of the first comments everyone makes about you)
I love how you wrinkle your forehead like your daddy.
I love how you steal the show no matter where we are.
Your daddy loves how much you embarress me when you "pass gas" in public and it is SO loud!! :)
I love how you have started rubbing your face on my chest when you are sleepy.
I love how Chaser checks on you when you are wimpering.
I love how you suck on our nose when you get hungry. Those are the best kisses!
I love the little rolls you are starting to get under your neck and on your arms and legs.
I love the fact that in the afternoons you love to go outside and just sit with me your daddy and Chaser.
Basically.... You are the most perfect baby and my whole world now revolves around you and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! God has truley blessed us!
We Love you Addyson Jewel Gatlin!!!!